Anyone who works as hard as our staff should also be paid consistently. We guarantee fair remuneration for all our crew.
The general minimum wage is not an issue for DREMO! As a member of the Gesamtverband der Personaldienstleister e.V. (GVP)* (General Association of Personnel Service Providers), our employees are generally paid at least the defined hourly wages for temporary work. These conditions are regularly adjusted. In that way we take care of a social security for our employees. Are you also interested in learning more about the advantages of temporary employment? Take a look at our job offers and apply.
* In 2023, the Interessenverband Deutscher Zeitarbeitsunternehmen (iGZ) (Association of German Temporary Employment Agencies) and the Bundesarbeitgeberverband der Personaldienstleister e.V. (BAP) (Federal Employers' Association of Personnel Service Providers) merged to form the Gesamtverband der Personaldienstleister e.V. (GVP) (General Association of Personnel Service Providers).
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